Evolving Eyes

"I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term Natural Selection "
- Charles Darwin, from On the Origin of Species

“How extremely stupid for me not to have thought of that! ”
- T. H. Huxley on reading On the Origin of Species

Testing Ideas

      The ancient Egyptians believed that a dung beetle rolled the sun across the sky everyday. Having observed the daily movements of the sun and the activities of a beetle rolling a dung ball, they formulated the hypothesis that a giant beetle pushed the sun in a similar fashion. Since they stopped short of systematically testing this idea, it became their belief, not a scientific explanation.

      Science requires a few more steps beyond hypothesis formation. The first is performing experiments to test the idea. Experiments produce results called data that may support or refute a hypothesis. Using a sophisticated telescope and detailed satellite images o f the sun would be one way to test whether a giant beetle (presumably wearing oven mitts) is responsible for old Sol’s daily migration. To date, astronomers haven’t spotted any, and they are now fairly confident that beetles have little to nothing to do with the movement o f celestial bodies. Thus, the data collected refute the giant scarab hypothesis.

      Systematically testing hypotheses is one of the primary ways in which scientists attempt to describe the natural world. That process assumes that there are natural explanations for the phenomena that we experience. We now explain the movement o f stars and planets in terms of gravity, inertia, acceleration, rotation and revolution.

      Just as scientists have looked for ways to explain the changes in the heavens, they have also looked for ways to explain changes in life on earth. A number of naturalists before Charles Darwin (including his poet grandfather) had suggested that living things evolved over time. But it was not until Darwin proposed a testable mechanism for evolution that the way we view life on earth was changed forever.

Evolution and Natural Selection

      From a very early age, Charles Darwin. was a naturalist and experimentalist. He collected bird eggs and beetles. He set up a lab with his brother Erasmus in a shed in their backyard and was nicknamed “Gas’1 for the stinky chemistry experiments he performed in the sleeping 1809-1882 dorm of his boarding school. He noticed things, wrote them down and sought connections and explanations. These skills combined with his robust curiosity and patience would help him revolutionize how scientists viewed life on earth.

      Darwin spent five years travelling the world on HMS Beagle as the ship’s naturalist. In that time he had a chance to see a variety of animals living in a wide variety of different climates and ecosystems. This experience gave him a perspective on plant and animal species that few naturalist before him had. After his voyage, he wrote volumes about the specimens he collected and his observations on natural history. From those observations, he formulated a testable hypothesis for how evolution occurs. He called his mechanism Natural Selection, and we can break it into four primary postulates. Darwin felt that evolution can occur if the following conditions exist:

  1. There is variation in the population
  2. More individuals are bom into a generation than survive to reproduce.
  3. Those that survive to reproduce tend to have some advantage over those that do not.
  4. Some of those advantages must be heritable.

      The power of Darwin’s theory is its simplicity. The basic idea is that those with advantages tend to have a better chance of surviving to reproduce and pass their advantageous traits onto the next generation.

      When he proposed natural selection in his book On the Origin of Species in 1859, Darwin’s hypothesis faced a critical scientific community ready to challenge the data. Yet, in the 148 years since then, natural selection has survived intense scientific scrutiny and has been experimentally supported innumerable times. When a hypothesis is supported by a substantial amount of accurate data, it is referred to as a theory. Though considered highly reliable, a theory is not set in stone and the possibility always exists that new data might be found that contradicts it. When that happens, the theory in question may need to be revised or completely abandoned.

      Although researchers continue to add nuances to evolutionary theory, there has been no compelling evidence to contradict it. Biologists are quite confident that the Theory of Natural Selection explains a fundamental way in which life evolves.


      Advantages that increase the long-term probability that an organism will survive to reproduce are referred to as adaptations. Adaptations can be anatomical features like an eye, physiological processes such as the ability of nerves to conduct electrical signals, and behavioral traits like reflexively turning toward a loud sound.

      Those organisms with the best adaptations tend to do better in the long-term - the key word here being tend. An advantage is no guarantee of success. Having slightly better eyes than everyone else doesn’t do you much good if you get blind-sided by a bus. Advantage or no, there is a small element of luck (good or bad) tied up in everyone’s survival. But, taking that as a given, having slightly better eyes, a bigger brain or some other advantage can come in handy when you are competing with others for resources such as food and mates.


      So where do adaptations come from? How do some organisms get these “slight advantages” we keep mentioning? They start as goof-ups in the DNA called mutations. When animals make their sperm and eggs and plants make their pollen and ova, they have to copy their DNA. In the process, sometimes things are copied incorrectly.

      Imagine having to transcribe the contents of your local library. Omissions and misspellings would be inevitable. When these mistakes happen copying DNA, there are three possible outcomes: First, the mistake may be lethal, in which case the embryo will not be viable. Second, the copying error might be neutral. In other words, the change has no effect on the organism. Third, there is the possibility that the mutation will be beneficial.

      To consider how a small change in the DNA sequence can alter a gene, it is important to think of genes as bits of information, like sentences. Imagine our gene is the following sentence:

  let's make an eye.

      Now, we copy it several times and stick it into our sperm and eggs. What happens if we copy one of the letters incorrectly? We might get something that makes no sense, or changes the meaning completely, such as

  let's bake an eye.

      Or we might get something that is a slight improvement, like

  Let's make an eye.

      Unfortunately, an organism cannot plan improvements in its genes. Mutations occur randomly. We cannot predict where or when they will pop up. So, how could a random process like this lead to the evolution of an elaborate adaptation like your camera eye? It couldn’t.

      If evolution were an exclusively random process, the evolution of sophisticated organisms like beetles and oak trees would be extremely unlikely. But mutation isn’t working alone. Natural selection is its partner. Mutation is a random process that generates the raw material on which natural selection acts in a highly directed fashion.

      Consider Darwin’s quote about natural selection: "... Each slight variation, if useful, is preserved.. The flip side of that is that slight variations that are harmful are not preserved. Natural selection is, by definition, selective. The process weeds out what doesn’t work and preserves what does. Sophisticated adaptations like the eye are the product of small incremental improvements in vision that have accumulated over vast amounts of time.

Selective Pressures

      So, how does natural selection pick who stays and who goes? The process relies upon selective agents that apply selective pressures to a population of organisms. Predation in the preceding Wrinkles story was the selective agent. The miniature versions of Wrinkles with better eyes escaped the predators and those with weaker vision did not. Selective pressures can be biotic (living) or abiotic (non-living). Predation is a biotic selective pressure, because predators are living organisms. Climate is an example of an abiotic selective pressure.

      Selective pressures sort organisms based on the organisms’ phenotypes. A phenotype is the outward, physical expression of one’s genes. In other words, the phenotype is the body and behavior that an organism’s genes build. Thus, the group of miniature Wrinkles that survived Darwin’s predatory onslaught had slightly different eye phenotypes than those that were eaten. Different phenotypes occur because all organisms have different sets of genes. An organism’s unique set of genes is called its genotype. All genotypes are unique, but closely related organisms (like two humans) have fewer differences between their genotypes than more distantly related organisms (like a human and an earthworm).

Gene Pools and Populations

      Although natural selection exerts pressure on individuals, evolution occurs at the population level. A population is an interbreeding community of organisms. The total genetic information in a population is called a gene pool. When organisms breed, the genes in the gene pool get mixed up and passed onto the next generation. If everybody in the population has the same chance to survive and nobody with new genes migrates in, then the gene pool won’t change much.

      In the preceding story, Charles Darwin and Wrinkles the Wonder Brain gobbled up phenotypes with less well-developed eyes in a population, thus removing the genotypes that built those phenotypes. Thus, the genes that code for the less sophisticated eyes will be removed from the population and change the make-up of the gene pool. When the gene pool changes, the types of phenotypes you see in the succeeding generations will change as well.

      A change in the genetic make-up of a population from generation to generation is the modem definition of evolution. Consequently we say that populations evolve. Individuals do not evolve. A drowning person cannot grow gills any more than a gazelle fleeing a cheetah can sprout wings and fly away. Thus, evolution is typically a relatively slow process (although populations of organisms like bacteria can evolve quite quickly). If only slight variations are being preserved from generation to generation in a population, then it will take a long time for a population to evolve a sophisticated adaptation like a camera eye. Fortunately, time is on our side.

Deep Time

      If we want small variations to accumulate into big adaptive changes, we are going to need a lot of time. In fact, for evolution by natural selection to occur, we often need millions or billions of years.

      Early in Darwin’s career, most Western scientists believed that the earth was a little over 6000 years old. That changed when advances in the field of geology in the late 1700s and early 1800s yielded data indicating that the earth was quite a bit older. In the late 18th century, James Hutton advanced a theory called uniformitarianism (which was later expanded upon by Charles Lyell in the book Principles of Geology). Hutton and Lyell proposed that the small geological changes that we witness occurring now (such as the slow deposition or erosion of soil) have been happening for eons and are responsible for the landforms we see. The research of both men indicated that rocks form very slowly and that big geological features like mountains resulted from small incremental changes as geological forces slowly pushed up the earth’s crust. Modem measurements confirm that the plates making up the earth’s crust move 1-17 cm per year. According to data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Himalayan Mountains rise by about 1 cm every year (a pace of about 10km per million years).

      Current estimates place the earth’s age at approximately 4.5 billion years. This figure has been corroborated by numerous different experiments from geology, chemistry and physics. Such an expansive sweep of time would be more than sufficient to move mountains and allow the critters scurrying on their landscape to evolve gradually.

Can’t We Go Any Faster?

      Not all creatures need loads of time to go through substantial evolutionary changes. Most animals like penguins and tulip trees have generation times that are measured in years. Thus, small changes in a population require considerable time to accumulate. Not so for the most successful living things on earth.

      Bacteria, which can be found in virtually every conceivable habitat on the planet, deep inside the earth and high in the atmosphere, reproduce by splitting in two and can have very short generation times. The fastest reproducing bacteria can double their numbers in 15 minutes, although most have generation times measured in hours or a day. Thus, small changes in each generation can accumulate quite rapidly.

      One example of this is seen in the evolution of antibiotic resistance, a growing problem for health care providers (Fig. 2.1). Antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria in a sick person. But if a few of those bacteria have a mutation that protects them from the antibiotic, they might survive and reproduce. Thus, the antibiotic is a selective agent selectively killing some and leaving those with resistance alive. If one continues to expose the bacteria to the antibiotic, one can cause a shift in the genetic make-up of the population, so that most of the bacteria are resistant and the antibiotic is rendered ineffective.

Figure 2.1 Small change, big problem. A) A small mutation makes a few bacteria in a population antibiotic resistant (gray bacteria). B) When antibiotics are applied, most of the nonresistant bacteria (white) are killed and those that are antibiotic resistant are not. C) As a result of the treatment, the genetic make-up of the next generation has changed and more resistant bacteria are present. The evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria is a major concern for health care providers.

Figure 2.2 A flat patch of photosensitive tissue becomes a camera eye very rapidly when there is a constant selective pressure for improved ability to form an image. Modified form Nilsson and Pelger (1994)

Automatic Camera Eye

      So, how long would it take to evolve a camera eye? Not that long, actually. The years needed to evolve an eye as cited in the preceding story are taken from a study done by Dan-Erik Nilsson and Susanne Pelger in 1994.

      Nilsson and Pelger ran a computer simulation of eye evolution. In their simulation, they wanted to see how long it took an elaborate camera eye to evolve from a small patch of photosensitive cells. These patches can be found in some flatworms and are considered to be characteristic of an ancient, ancestral visual apparatus.

      In their experiment, they started with a flat patch of photosensitive cells that sat atop a dark pigment layer and were protected by a transparent layer above. Increased spatial resolution was an advantage (thus selected for) in the model, but they only allowed a 0.005% change in the shape of the eye from one generation to the next. This is a very small change (they referred to it as a pessimistic number, meaning that in nature changes would probably be larger from one generation to next) and would have led to very slow evolution.

      Under these conservative conditions, the computer model evolved a camera eye from a small patch of photoreceptive cells in fewer than 400,000 generations (Fig. 2.2). If we assume one year per generation, then a camera eye could evolve remarkably quickly - so quickly, in fact, that they would seem to appear instantaneously in the fossil record. As we noted above, it takes a long time for rock to form. Layers of rock in the earth’s crust aren’t like the growth rings of a tree. You don’t see a layer of rock for each of earth’s 4.5 billion years. Instead, you see layers that were made over several thousands of years. These leaps in the geological record are on the order of about 500,000 years. Thus, a sophisticated eye that took fewer than 400,000 years to evolve might seem to appear out of nowhere in the fossil record. In fact, such a sudden appearance occurs between the rocks of the Precambrian Period and the Cambrian in an event called the Cambrian Explosion.

For Your Consideration

    1. Imagine your flashlight won’t work. Propose several hypotheses to account for the failure. What experiments would you conduct to test your hypotheses? What kind of data would you collect?
    2. It is the nature of scientific study that any given hypothesis can be absolutely refuted but cannot be absolutely proven. Discuss this concept using the hypothesis: The sun rises every morning.
    3. What distinguished Darwin’s contribution to evolutionary theory from that of his scientific predecessors? How did this contribution help establish evolution as a scientific theory as opposed to a personal belief system?
    4. If a mutation occurs in a bacterium’s DNA that confers antibiotic resistance and there are no antibiotics around, is it an adaptation? Why or why not? Discuss the concepts of phenotype, genotype, selective pressure, gene pool, population and evolution in terms of antibiotic resistant bacteria.
    5. The geological record is composed of several layers of rock that generally contain fossil animals and plants that are radically different from those in adjacent layers. At one time, the prevailing explanation for this was that the world had been periodically destroyed and recreated. How might the work of Nilsson and Pelger offer a scientific explanation for the radical changes in flora and fauna seen among different layers of rock?